Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Carla Stangenberg, writer/performer of Tunnel Vision (which emerges onto the Brick stage Thu 6/14) is a woman of few words - so few, in fact that she declined to answer several items on our questionnaire. How pretentious is that? The show, which is directed by the equally laconic Mercedes Murphy, also features video by the less than garrulous Katurah Hutcheson.

What exactly makes your show so damn pretentious anyway?
This show is so high brow we have to pluck the main character's nose hairs not to mention the fact that one of our artists has a painting in The Philadelphia museum and a contributing cinematographer shot in Michael Moore's SICKO.

Name some obscure influences on your work – extra points for unpronounceability.
Napoleon Hill, Noam Chomsky, Pink Floyd, and Paramahansa Yogananda.

The late Roland Barthes once wrote “For the theatre one needs long arms; it is better to have them too long than too short. An artiste with short arms can never, never make a fine gesture.” Explicate.
[Declined to answer]

In what ways do you plan on alienating your audience? Cite an intentionally opaque or confusing moment within your production.
[Declined to answer]

Which other Pretentious Festival show will you declare as your sworn ideological enemy, and why?
Three Angels Dancing On a Needle we were told we would be the only show using
Angels. Suffice to say ours are more precious.

Please give us the gist of the acceptance speech you would use were you to win one of our Pretentious Awards.
"Thank you to the pseudo psycho gurus who gave me the tools to visualize my way off the couch and got me in touch with the key. There are no more secrets left. Glory glory hallelujah."

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